
All types of Bitumen Emulsion

About Us

Welcome To Mangalam Petroleum

Mangalam Petroleum produces all types of Bitumen Emulsion and allied Bituminous products from its state of the art, ultra modern, manufacturing plant at Vidisha. Mangalam Petroleum is sister Concern of Mangalam Petro Chemicals, which was established in 1990 and is a leading refiner of used oil and Waste oil in central India.

We are committed to produce high quality bituminous products, with the use of state of the technology in the most eco friendly manner, that provides maximum cost benefit to its buyers. All our products confirms to the relevant BIS / ASTM specifications.

Bitumen Emulsion
Manufacturing Quality Products with State of the Art Technology
Modified Bitumen
Manufacturing Quality Products with State of the Art Technology
Waterproofing Products
An IITian Enterprise

Methods of use of Mangalam Emulsion:

  1. Before using Emulsion Drum, its content should be thoroughly mixed by rolling the drum 6-8 times .Draw the required quantity from the drum and immediately reseal the container airtight for subsequent use.
  2. In case emulsion is stored in tanks than emulsion should be agitated by circulation before use.
  3. Appropriate grade of emulsion should be used for different type of application. For good performance use mangalam emulsion within one year of manufacturing date.
  4. For Prime Coat, clean the surface to remove dust and unbound material, moist the surface avoiding any standing water and spray appropriate grade of Mangalam Emulsion in correct quantity. Allow to cure for 24 hours or such other period as is found necessary to allow all the volatiles to evaporate before any subsequent surface treatment or mix is laid. A Slow setting Grade provides the deepest penetration of primed surface, although depth varies with the porosity of the primed layer, ambient temperature, degree of moisture, viscosity cf Bitumen Emulsion, chemical nature of aggregates and quantity of Bitumen Emulsion used per Square Meter
  5. For Tack Coat, clean the surface to remove dust and debris, if the surface is hungry or excessively hot, apply a fine spray of water avoiding standing water or water run-off. Spray Mangalam Emulsion in correct quantity and allow to cure until all the volatiles have evaporated before any subsequent construction is started.
  6. Forrepair work, clean the surface to remove cust and debris, apply a tack coat with a suitable grade of Mangalam Emulsion and allow to cure. Mix correct quantity of emulsion with aggregates to get uniform coating, fillin the required place and than compress as required and allow curing.
  7. For Special applications /Road Constructions, use as directed by Engineer in charge.
Our Value

Latest Technology for manufacturing bitumen emulsion

Our Plant is equipped with the latest technology for manufacturing bitumen emulsion with high degree of precision and quality control.

Our Vision

To be the preferred and most trusted supplier of high quality bituminous products in the construction industry. To manufacture quality products using the latest technology in the most environmental friendly manner, that delivers the maximum satisfaction to our customers.

Our Aim

To be the preferred and most trusted supplier of high quality bituminous products in the construction industry. To manufacture quality products using the latest technology in the most environmental friendly manner, that delivers the maximum satisfaction to our customers. Mangalam Petroleum always try that give our best.And All our products confirms to the relevant BIS / ASTM

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